Monday, June 7, 2010

Welcome To Your New, Beautiful Life

I came home from work
my first night alone in a new city
I turned the key into the lock(s) 
and stepped with my right foot first,
into my new home
there it was...
my dad.
my wonderful
never ceases to surprise and amaze me
he covered every wall corner with welcome home signs
he left me a piece of emerald green sea glass from the coastline of New England
and scalloped shells from each shoreline of the east
speckled feathers from birds that once flocked together
and three little monkeys who
see no evil
hear no evil
speak no evil.
reminder notes that only a dad who loves his daughter could get away with leaving-
get a whisk broom
 and another waste bin
remember to lock the bathroom windows
tools are in the top drawer.
i know
i am
a very
lucky daughter.
he makes every meaningful moment
 more magical.
the best sign of the bunch?
penned on a broken down cardboard box,
that held my clothes
and special things
so safely
as they journeyed across the plains and over mountains,
past rivers and valleys
and trees big and tall...
 to Your
I couldn't have said it better myself Dad.
Looking at the moon, and thinking of home.
I love you.