Tuesday, July 27, 2010

For Deacon, Who was Very Loved

This is Deacon.
He was getting ready for a swim!
Even dogs get hot in July, you know.
Ooooh this picture is so darn cute I could squeal.
Sweet Deacon said goodbye to this wild, wonderful, world today.
A lot of people are going to miss you, Deacon.
(He was so loved.)
Biscuits and bones await you Deackie.


  1. Hi Emily--is this possibly the Little's little dog Deacon who I used to see everyday when we lived on Huckleberry?
    If so, I am so sad. He was the cutest, and to me, a true fencepost of my memories of Wilton.
    I love your blog.

  2. MAB- yes, it is Deacon from Huckleberry- what a small world! He was so very loved by many people! Thank you for reading and following my blog. x Emily
